2025 Eastern Winery Exposition | Sharing Wine

Sharing Your Wine

As a way of facilitating education and networking, we encourage everyone in the EWE community to share their knowledge and continue to learn about what others in the East are doing. What better way to do this than sharing and tasting each other’s wines? There are two EWE events designed just for this:

Welcome Wine Reception, March 25
The reception features wine tasting stations from states, associations and regions throughout the East.

13th Annual EWE Industry Celebration Dinner, March 26
Wines will be poured at the reception prior to dinner and also staged on dinner tables for everyone’s enjoyment during the meal.

Would You Like to Pour Wine at the Welcome Wine Reception?
You can take your participation one step further by pouring the wine from your region and sharing your knowledge about it. Contact your association or AVA directly to participate. Click here to view a list of participating EWE associations. If your association is not on the list and you would like to represent your state or region at the event, contact Marcia Gulino by February 27 at marcia@easternwineryexposition.com. Any volunteers who have not yet registered will be given a complimentary Reception pass.

The Wine Donation Process:

Step 1:
Email us at info@easternwineryexposition.com by end of day March 1 with your name, company name, state, the number of bottles of red and of white, or other, that you are bringing to the Welcome Reception or Celebration Dinner so that we may track inventory (see sample below.) Just a few bottles of a few wines are needed, not more.

Step 2:
Bring your wine to the EWE Wine Receiving Room as outlined below. Be sure to note on the box where you prefer the wine to go…Reception or Dinner (or both).

Limit: No more than 3 bottles per label.

The Wine Receiving Room is located in Federal Room B (one level above the Exhibit Hall) and will be open as follows:

Tuesday, March 25, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
*Wine for the Welcome Reception must be received before 4:00 pm

Wednesday, March 26, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
*Wine for the Celebration Dinner must be received before 3:00 pm



I am bringing the following bottles to EWE:

Welcome Reception 3/25: 2 red, 5 white, 1 sparkling white
Celebration Dinner 3/26: 2 white

Name: Joe Smith
Company: XYZ Vineyards
State: NJ

Send email to info@easternwineryexposition.com.


Need to Ship Your Wine?
Note that shipments will not be accepted by the venue earlier than March 21. Ship to:

Eastern Winery Exposition – 3/25 Conference
Lancaster Marriott – Federal Room B
25 South Queen Street 
Lancaster, PA 17603

Inside the box, clearly indicate the # of bottles to be used at each function.