Digital Assets
Share information about Eastern Winery Exposition with your network using the resources we’ve provided below for your internal and external newsletters, email blasts, event calendars, social media or other customer communications outlets.
If you have questions or would like custom tools, please email Marcia at
What: Eastern Winery Exposition
When: March 25-27, 2025
Where: Lancaster County Convention Center
Promotional Language
Eastern Winery Exposition (EWE), is the premier wine and viticulture conference and trade show in the eastern wine market.
Sample Email Content
Please join (ORGANIZATION) at Eastern Winery Exposition on March 25-27 at the Lancaster County Convention Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Eastern Winery Exposition is the premier wine and viticulture conference and trade show in the eastern wine market. This is an event intended for and attended by vineyard and winery owners/managers in the eastern market. The conference is a must-attend event for anyone associated with an eastern winery or vineyard. For more information and to register, visit
We look forward to seeing you there,
The materials on this page can be downloaded and used in promotion of Eastern Winery Exposition. Just click the desired graphic to ‘save image as’. If you have a specific graphic request or question, contact Marcia at
![EWE2025 330X250](
![EWE2025 440X220](
![EWE2025 1080X1080](
![EWE2025 1200X630](
Social Media
Promote the Eastern Winery Exposition through social media.
Sample Facebook/LinkedIn Post:
Mark your calendars! On March 25-27, Lancaster, PA, Eastern Winery Exposition #EWE offers 3 days of seminars and networking about viticulture, enology and wine marketing . Register today at:
Sample tweets:
Join us at Eastern Winery Exposition March 25-27! Learn more: #EWE
Mark your calendars! Eastern Winery Exposition will take place March 25-27! Learn more: #EWE @EasternWineryExposition
Press Release
Sponsors and partners who would like to put out a press release that highlights their role in the conference or tradeshow are encouraged to do so. We are also happy to provide content and a quote about your participation in the Eastern Winery Exposition. Please contact