Chris Granstrom


In 1980 Chris and his wife Michaela purchased land in New Haven, VT and started an apple tree nursery and then a pick-your-own strawberry farm. Then the promise of new, cold-hardy grape varieties caught their attention and a new enterprise began. The first batch of commercial wine was realized in 2006. Today Lincoln Peak is one of the largest grape producers in the state of Vermont making about 25,000 bottles of wine a year– all strictly from grapes grown on its farm. They’ve entered the international cold-climate wine competitions four years, and have won three best-in-show awards along with several gold and double-gold medals. Some folks may have thought they were crazy to start such an enterprise, but with some good land, careful farming techniques, a great farm crew, and support from the neighbors, it’s all working out. At Lincoln Peak they like to think that they’re helping to turn a new page in Vermont’s long and varied agricultural history.