Mizuho Nita

Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Grape Pathology

Mizuho is an associate professor and extension specialist at Virginia Tech’s AHS Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center and the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. His area of expertise is the management of grape diseases. His research and extension objectives are: 1) Development of environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable wine grape disease management; 2) Study in epidemiology (change over time and space) of grape and other plant pathogens; and 3) Effective delivery of scientific information to growers. Mizuho’s research activities include disease risk assessment and surveillance, exploration of cultural and chemical means of disease and vector management, fungicide and fungicide-alternative testing, fungicide resistance examination, cultivar disease susceptibility evaluation, and development of novel diagnostic tools. In his extension program, he uses traditional and technology-based resources to disseminate educational materials to reach growers and Cooperative Extension agents in Virginia and nationally.