2025 Eastern Winery Exposition | Sponsorship Opportunities

2025 Sponsorships

The Eastern Winery Exposition offers an unparalleled opportunity to capture the attention of one of the fastest growing wine regions in the United States and Canada. The following provides a list of the most popular offerings. 
To contract for your 2025 sponsorship, please email laura@easternwineryexposition.com


Mobile App & Networking Sponsorship

Read about our new opportunity here!

$4,500 Exclusive Opportunity

• Company logo(s) to appear when app is loading
• Full screen pop-up ad to appear after app loading screen 
• Rotating 960w x 150h banner ad on main landing page / main menu hyperlinked to website 
• 3 alert messages to announce your booth demo, special presentation, etc. (one per day)
• Add documents or links available for all attendees to download
• Mobile usage statistics provided post-event. 
• Acknowledgement of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides 
• Company logo included in mobile app promotion materials to attendees
• Branded signage around event
• 2 complimentary registrations to the annual EWE Industry Celebration Dinner 

Conference Sponsor $4,000

Exclusive Opportunity

• Full page color ad on the inside front cover of the Advance and Onsite Program Guides (Advance Guide to be inserted into the January, February, and March issues of WineBusiness Monthly and sent to Eastern subscribers)
• Logo/Name noted in all correspondence
•Logo/Name in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Hyperlink with logo on website
• Signage & recognition throughout the conference, including large sign near the exhibit hall
• Signage on each podium
• Three complimentary registrations to the annual EWE Industry Celebration Dinner
• Logo on projection screen during the annual EWE Industry Celebration Dinner

Hotel Key Card Sponsor $3,000

Exclusive Opportunity

• Logo and message/design along with the EWE logo on the Lancaster Marriott key cards given to all attendees at check-in
• Key cards provided by EWE event staff
• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Signage in registration area

Equipment Showcase Sponsor  $2,750

Exclusive Opportunity

• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Equipment showcased on street near entrance of Convention Center
• Space near entrance hall for a large screen to showcase equipment video (TV provided by sponsor)
• Four (4) Complimentary passes to the EWE Industry Celebration Dinner

Industry Celebration Dinner Sponsor $2,500

Three available


• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Hosted table at the annual EWE Industry Celebration Dinner on Wednesday, March 26th for your team and important clients (10 tickets total)
• Signage in registration area and at the Industry Celebration Dinner
• Acknowledgment of sponsorship noted at the Industry Celebration Dinner by the master of ceremonies and your logo at the podium.
• Full-page color ad in both the Advance and Onsite Program Guides

Coffee Sponsor $2,050

Exclusive Opportunity

SOLD to Novavine


• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Signage in registration area and at the coffee break location
• Opportunity to provide coffee cups with your logo branded

Registration Area Sponsor $2,000

Exclusive Opportunity

• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Logo on registration area signage
• Brochures at all registration counters
• Brochures on table near show entrance
• Logo with link on EWE website with other associate sponsors

Badge Lanyard Sponsor $2,000

Exclusive Opportunity

SOLD to Fermentis


• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guide
• Signage in registration area
• Logo on lanyards (all attendee badges)
• Lanyards provided by sponsor


Hosted Reception at Booth  $1,500

Exclusive Opportunity

• Reception in your booth on Wednesday, March 26, 5:00-6:30 pm
• Reception included in schedule on website, Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• (1) Meter sign at booth
• Food and beverage to be ordered directly from Lancaster County Convention Center by Sponsor

Entrance to Exhibit Hall Sponsor $1,350

Exclusive Opportunity

• Acknowledgment of sponsorship with your logo and website link on EWE website and noted in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Signage in the registration area
• Have your logo at the feet of every attendee walking in or out of the trade show with your logo or custom graphic placed on a carpet square near the show entrance. 
• Opportunity to add additional carpet square signs for $250 each
• Carpet square is 48″x48″

Note Pad Sponsor  $1,140

Exclusive Opportunity

• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• Note pad will be provided to all conference attendees and speakers
• Note pad to be supplied by sponsor; logo with a tag line and web address can be prominently placed on the pad
• Quantity: 400; minimum size: 6″ X 4″ inches, 50 sheets, lined or blank

Floor Aisle Sign Sponsors $900 each

Three Available

• Have your logo at the feet of every attendee walking the trade show floor. Your logo or custom graphic with booth number will be placed on a carpet square in one of three aisle junctions. Locations selected on a first come first serve basis.
• Carpet size is 48″x48″
• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guides

Seminar Sponsorships $850 each

1 SOLD to AEB Biochemical USA 

• Acknowledgment of sponsorship on EWE website with your logo and link, as well as in the Advance and Onsite Program Guide
• Logo displayed next to sponsored session on the website and in the Onsite Program Guide
• Sponsor-branded signage during presentation and in registration area
• Opportunity to place a banner stand inside the seminar room, as well as have flyers placed on a table in the back of the room

Hosted Reception at Booth  $1,500

Exclusive Opportunity

• Reception in your booth on Wednesday, March 26, 5:00-6:30 pm
• Reception included in schedule on website, Advance and Onsite Program Guides
• (1) Meter sign at booth
• Food and beverage to be ordered directly from Lancaster County Convention Center by Sponsor

Program Guide Advertising


• Advance Program Guide to be inserted in the January, February, and March issues of WineBusiness Monthly and sent to Eastern subscribers
• Onsite Program Guide will be available to all attendees at registration
• Advertise in both and receive a 25% discount
• Rates depending on the size and color of your ad – contact Laura for more information


Laura Lemos
Phone: 973-668-2449
Email: laura@easternwineryexposition.com
Please note that sponsorships can be custom tailored for your company if the ones listed here are not of interest to you, or don’t quite meet your marketing needs.