Dr. Imed Dami

Associate Professor & Extension Viticulture Specialist

Imed is a professor in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science and state viticulture specialist at The Ohio State University with research and extension responsibilities in viticulture. His research interests include cold hardiness of grapevines and developing methods of cold protection; improving fruit and wine quality using cultural practices; and germplasm evaluation and matching varieties with climates and sites. He participated in research assignments and educational tours in Canada, Chile, China, Italy, Tunisia, and the U.S. (CA), and has been invited to speak nationally and internationally in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, France, Italy, New Zealand, and Tunisia. Imed was the editor and lead-author of an Extension book titled Midwest Grape Production Guide, authored Spring Frost Injury of Grapevines and Protection Methods and co-authored Winter Injury to Grapevines and Methods of Protection, and co-produced two educational videos titled Grapevine Canopy Management and Grapevine Nutrient Management: Petiole Sampling and Analysis. All were awarded best extension publications by the American Society of Horticultural. Imed served as Chair of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture-Eastern Section (ASEV-ES), Board Director in ASEV-E, and as academic advisor to Ohio grape and wine industry organizations for the past 19 years. To learn more about the viticulture program at OSU, visit Buckeye Appellation at https://ohiograpeweb.cfaes.ohio-state.edu/.